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AquaGentle Water Treatment Kit AquaGentle
Aqua Gentle is a simple and effective water treatment kit
designed to include everything required to manage a hot tubs's
routine water care: testing, treating, and conditioning.

What you get:
  • Aqua Gentle test strips for daily water testing
  • Aqua Gentle Fizzy Tabs for daily dininfection of your hot tub water
  • Aqua Gentle Conditioning Liquid for a weekly water softening treatment
  • Spa Fusion for fortnightly water treatment

What are the benefits?
  • Lower chemical consumption
  • Soft and gentle formula that is kind to your skin
  • Lightly fragranced with lavender for a calm and tranquil bathing experience
  • Comes with an easy to follow support guide

Lotus Fresh Logo

Hot Tub Cleaning, Spa Maintenance and Water Care with Lotus Fresh

It's like having spring water in your hot tub

With no need to change it every 3 months!

Why Lotus Fresh is better for your family and your hot tub:

  • Economical
  • Use once a week only
  • No need for other products
  • Does not contain aggressive chemicals (like Chlorine or Bromine)
  • No chemical smell
  • Prevents the spa water from foaming
  • Prevents limescale and calcification of pumps, heater, and jets ensuring they work correctly
  • Keeps the water in the spa fresh longer - no need to change every 3 months
  • Does not damage pillows and other hot tub components
  • continued below...

Requires just 20 ml once a week. PH assisted (may need a little PH rebalance, but no "shocking" is required) and filter cleaning should be less. Lotus Fresh removes non-water molecules like cosmetics, sun oils, body oils, organic matter and bacteria...

Hot Tub Cleaning with Lotus Fresh

Non-chlorine Hot Tub water treatment for Sensitive Skin

What is Lotus Fresh?

Lotus Fresh is the innovation with which keeps the water in your hot tub clear and clean - free of chlorine.

Lotus Fresh not only cleans the water, it reliably removes excess lime, anaerobic bacteria, Legionella and other foreign substances.

Lotus Fresh makes your whirlpool water particularly soft and your skin will be less irritated. Skin irritation is now a thing of the past. Your skin will no longer dry out and will retain its natural feel.

Lotus Fresh keeps the technical parts of your hot tub scale free, thus considerably prolonging the service life and preventing expensive repairs to scaled pumps and corroded heating elements.

The cushion and insulating cover of your spa will also enjoy a longer service life because they are not longer exposed to aggressive vapours from disinfectant.

Continued below...


Cleansing your spa water, keeping your hot tub clean

Lotus Fresh separates the impurities leaving water crystal-clear and free of odour

The Hot Tub Challenges

Hot tub water is contaminated in a number of different ways...

The warm water and rich supply of nutrients, such as perspiration, flakes of skin, skin creams and hair, allow bacteria and germs to rapidly increase in numbers.

The filters can only remove larger contaminants - the microscopically small contaminants, bacteria and germs, on the other hand, are not trapped by the filters.

Disinfectants such as chlorine, bromine and active oxygen are generally added to keep the water clean, but the basic mode of action of these agents is oxidation to kill germs and bacteria. Unfortunately this oxidation also causes serious harm to the water - in effect the water "dies" and loses its natural ability to clean itself.

A further problem is the formation of bacteria colonies in the pipework: the "biofilm".

Although disinfectants kill off individual bacteria, the biofilm is practically immune to disinfectants. In order to keep the biofilm under control the quantities of disinfectant added become larger and larger...

The water becomes increasingly aggressive to the skin. It gradually loses more and more "stability" and finally threatens to "die" completely. That is why the water in your hot tub generally has to be replaced every two or three months.

It's a vicious circle, which Lotus Fresh will break.

How does Lotus Fresh function ?

Lotus Fresh keeps the water "stable" and "alive". Thanks to an innovative active formula, and it can differentiate between water molecules and foreign matter.

Everything that is not water is encapsulated.

The encapsulated contaminants are effectively and safely filtered out.

For this reason it is particularly important to thoroughly clean the filters at regular intervals.

Not only contaminants, but also substances dissolved in the water such as calcium, iron, copper and manganese are attacked by Lotus Fresh. The active formula partially changes the molecular structure of these substances before they are encapsulated and then filtered out or precipiated.

Would you like your hot tub water to last 12 months

No need to replace your hot tub water every two to four months (minimum). Lotus Fresh extends water use for up to 12 months; protecting the environment, conserving both energy and money!

Questions and answers

Lotus Fresh Cleaner for Hot Tubs, Whirlpools and Swim Spas
  • How often do I have to change the water in my hot tub ?

With Lotus Fresh it is no longer necessary to drain precious heated water every three to four months and to refill your hot tub. You can save yourself this work and costs in future.

You can leave the water in your hot tub for at least a year or even longer.

  • I have refilled the whirlpool with fresh water and added Lotus Fresh. The water has turned milky. What is that ?

This reaction is normal. Lotus Fresh has started to work and has encapsulated contaminants in the water. That is what causes this discolouration. This occurs particularly frequently and intensively with hot tubs that have been in operation for some time. In such cases, biofilm has formed in pipework. Lotus Fresh is now dissolving this biofilm.

Please clean the filters the next day and increase the filter running time.

The cloudiness normally disappears by the next day. In particularly severe cases, the cloudiness of the water can last up to three days.

  • Do I need an ozonator for Lotus Fresh to function ?

Although the ozonator is a very good way of helping disinfect the water, you don´t need an ozonator for Lotus Fresh to work efficiently.

Lotus Fresh is powerful enough to keep the water clean without the assistance of other disinfectants.

  • Do I have to set the pH value when using Lotus Fresh ?

Lotus Fresh does not change the pH Value. It also works with any pH value. However, there may be natural fluctuations in the pH Value that can be corrected using appropriate agents.

  • I have added Lotus Fresh and now a powdery white coating has formed. What is it ?

This coating is excess calcium that has been converted and precipitated by Lotus Fresh. This may reoccur in the case of very hard water.

You can simply wipe away this coating with a cloth. Increase the filter run-time to filter out the calcium.

  • I use Lotus Fresh and nevertheless my water smells. Why is that ?

In 99% of cases it is the hot tub surround and the insulating cover that smell, not the water. Moisture becomes trapped between the two. This moisture is not cleaned and starts to stagnate. This causes the smell. It is also possible that the filters were not cleaned properly, or they have been in operation for more than a week. This can also lead to smell.

Clean the hot tub surround and the insulating cover regularly using a disinfectant. In a few cases it is possible that an inadequate amount of Lotus Fresh was added. Increase the dosage for a short time and make sure that the dosing and filter cleaning are carried out regularly.

  • After the use of Lotus Fresh, the filters are dark brown. What is that, and what can I do ?

Filters can frequently turn brown when Lotus Fresh reacts with freshly added water. The brown discolouration can come from excess calcium or from metals dissolved in the water, such as iron, copper manganese.

Place the filters in cleaning solution overnight. Next day, rinse the filters thoroughly and then leave them overnight in chlorine solution.The filters will be bleached as a result and will re-gain their white colour.

  • I have been using Lotus Fresh for around two months. A slimy layer has formed in the water around the edge of the hot tub. What is that, and what can I do ?

This is biofilm. If you have an older hot tub that has already been treated using another disinfectant you will have biofilm in the pipework. Biofilm is a bacterial colony that is resistant to disinfectant. Lotus Fresh slowly but surely destroys this colony. Shortly before final destruction, the biofilm comes away from the pipework, enters the hot tub space and is deposited on the walls. It sometimes also occurs in new hot tubs due to residual water in the pipework from factory-filling for test purposes.

Double the quantity of Lotus Fresh. This layer should disappear within two days at the latest. You can also carry out a shock chlorination using inorganic chlorine.

  • How do I clean my filters correctly ?

It is important to place the filters for 12 hours in a filter cleaning solution. Filter cleaning loosens grease and oil from the filter. Then the filter should once again be placed in a chlorine solution and subsequently rinsed thoroughly. The chlorine oxidizes any remaining contaminants and ensures that the filter does not become a breeding ground for bacteria and subsequently start to smell. Poorly cleaned filters are frequently responsible for unpleasant smelling water.

In standard use, clean these filters at least every 2 weeks.

The filters have to be cleaned thoroughly at regular intervals so that the dirt particles in the filters every day during the first week using a garden hose. In the first two weeks after an initial filling, heavy deposits may form in the filters.

  • Does Lotus Fresh smell ?

Lotus Fresh has a very slight smell of lemons - gone are the days when the water, your skin and even your towels and bathrobes smelt of chlorine.

  • Can I combine Lotus Fresh with other cleaning agents ?

You can not combine Lotus Fresh with other cleaning agents - and why would you want to :-)

Lotus Fresh will identify every other agent in the water as a foreign substance and will encapsulate it. This process will also use up the Lotus Fresh. In these respects, the use of other cleaning agents is also counter productive.

If you have dropped the infamous glass of wine in the hot tub and you want to clear the water really quickly, you can carry out a shock chlorination using four tablespoons of inorganic 70% calcium hypochlorite granules. Once the chlorine has degraded after two to three days, you can continue with the use of Lotus Fresh.

You can also set the pH value using appropriate agents.

  • Can I add essential bath oils as a perfume additive to Lotus Fresh ?

The bath oils can be used if they are made from natural materials and without emulsifiers and preservatives. Lotus Fresh will treat other perfuming substances as "contaminants" and encapsulate them.

The average annual requirement is approximately 3 bottles


Lotus Fresh keeps your water clear and clean

With the revolutionary Lotus Fresh water care concept you need no other additives to keep your water clear and clean

Hot Tub Delivery

SBS Hot Tubs UK Delivery

All hot tubs are delivered from our SBS Spas warehouse in Ringwood, Hampshire. Our delivery crews collect from the SBS warehouse and deliver to Dorset, Hampshire, Sussex, Somerset, Wiltshire, and Surrey. Do contact us to find out more.

Why buy your spa from us?